2023 Consumer Confidence Report
The 2023 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report (also known as the Consumer Confidence Report, CCR) states:
La Mesa Water Cooperative (LMWC) drinking water is safe and meets federal and New Mexico requirements.
Member Handbook Updated for 2023
The Member Handbook has hints on how to find water leaks, links to water conservation and Xeriscaping websites, and other useful information.
Electronic Payments
You can pay your water bill electronically through a service called Xpress-pay.
- When paying with Xpress-pay, a small service charge is added. The exact amount depends upon whether the bill is paid by credit card or bank draft (electronic check). You may see Systems East, the company that runs Xpress-pay, on your statement.
- You can make a one-time payment directly with Xpress-pay.
- If you set up an Xpress-pay account, you can have it save your credit card or bank account information, which you can then use each time you want to make a payment.
- With an Xpress-pay account, you can set it to automatically pay your water bill each month. You’ll have to do this when you pay a bill. There does not seem to be a way to set up automatic payments once you have submitted a payment, and you’ll have to try again with the next month’s bill.
Setting up Xpress-pay for electronic payments
To get started, you will need your three digit account number and your eight or nine digit water meter number. Both of these numbers are on your water bill and at the top of your EyeOnWater page. Click the button below to get started.

- Fill in your meter number, name, and account number.
- Click Next on the page that shows your charges.
- On the “How would you like to pay?” page, under your name and account information, check the “Remember me with an Xpress-pay account” box.
- The La Mesa Water Cooperative does not have access to your credit card or bank account numbers.
- You will still receive your water bill each month, either by paper mail or email.
- You can still pay your water bill with a paper check or bill pay service through your bank.
Access Xpress-pay – change credit card or bank details
Once you have set up an Xpress-pay account, you can get to it through their website:
In the upper right corner, Login In | Consumer Login, which should take you to their Login page.
If you forgot or want to change your Xpress-pay password, on the Xpress-pay Login page, click the “Forgot password?” link.
Public Documents
Here is some information that may be interest to residents of La Mesa and Sundance Mesa.
- Member Handbook (2023)
- Water Quality
- 2023 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report (also known as the Consumer Confidence Report, CCR)
- Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Sampling Results (sampled September 11, 2020)
- The average hardness of our water is about 8.5 grains per gallon (gpg).
- Water Availability
- Service Line Inventory (9/18/2024) – There are no lead service lines on houses served by LMWC (La Mesa and Sundance Mesa subdivisions). The EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) requires water systems to prepare and maintain an inventory of service line materials and to submit the inventory to the state agencies by October 16, 2024. The LMWC distribution system for La Mesa and Sundance Mesa divisions was constructed after the 1986 ban on lead pipes. A service line is the piping between the distribution pipes, to the water meter and then to the house. In the LMWC area, all service lines from the water meter to the house were installed by the home builder and are owned and maintained by the property owner.
Electronic Billing
To save effort and paper, we strongly encourage everybody to get their monthly water bill as an email message. In the upper right of your bill is the email address we have on record for you. Please check to make certain it is correct. Contact:
There is no extra charge for this service.
Monitor water use with EyeOnWater
To reduce water lost to leaks or unintentional use, such as a hose left running, we have installed smart water meters on all houses. We strongly encourage everybody to take advantage of this capability.
- See your water use on the EyeOnWater website or smartphone app
- Sign up with EyeOnWater.com
- Enter 3-digit account number
- Provide email address
- Can delegate to a family member or friend, who does not have to be in Placitas
- Set EyeOnWater alert to get an email or text message if there is a steady leak
- Regularly check EyeOnWater to make sure water use is what is intended
There is no extra charge for this service.
Emergency Contact List
Occasionally we have disruptions in service or other situations where we need to urgently communicate with our members. We have an email list to notify members of water emergencies and other issues in their immediate neighborhood. The list will not be used for any other purpose. The list is voluntary, but we urge you to take advantage of this opportunity. If you wish to be on the list, send your e-mail and street address to alerts@lamesawatercoop.org.
We can also send you an alert as a text message to your cell phone. If you would like that, please send your cell phone number and your carrier (Verizon, AT&T, etc.) to alerts@lamesawatercoop.org.
Board of Directors Meeting Schedule
The Board of Directors meet monthly, generally on the second Monday of each month, starting at 10 AM, at the Placitas Community Library. The meetings are open to all members, and those with unresolved complaints or presentations they wish to make are encouraged to participate. The agenda is posted at the mail boxes prior to each meeting.
Times and dates may change to accommodate board members.
- February 10, 2025
- March 10, 2025
- April 14, 2025
- May 12, 2025
- June 9, 2025
- July 14, 2025
Septic Systems
The US Environmental Protection Agency has some very useful information about septic systems on a web page called SepticSmart. You may want to print the one page flyer, “The Dos and Don’ts of Your Septic System.”
You may also want to see the New Mexico Environment Department web page on Liquid Waste Program (Septic Tank Program)
Historical Documents
- Prior rates
- Water Quality
(also known as the Consumer Confidence Report, CCR)- Water Testing Results 2021
- Water Testing Results 2020
- Water Testing Results 2019
- Water Testing Results 2018
- Water Testing Results 2017
- Water Testing Results 2016
- Notice of Violation – 2014 Collected one sample instead of two
- Water Testing Results 2015
- Notice of Violation – 2014 Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) Failure to Publish and Report
- Water Testing Results 2014
- Water Testing Results 2013
- Water Testing Results 2012
- Water Testing Results 2011
- Water Testing Results 2010
- Water Testing Results 2009
- Water Testing Results 2008
- Water Testing Results 2007
- Water Availability
If you have any comments, suggestions, or material that you would like to see on this website, please contact webmaster@lamesawatercoop.org.