Links of Interest

If you’re interested in learning more about water issues, these may be useful:

Homeowners Associations



  • The Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority has an excellent website, 505Outside, that provides watering advice, plant recommendations, etc.
  • The New Mexico Office of the State Engineer “is charged with administering the state’s water resources. The State Engineer has power over the supervision, measurement, appropriation, and distribution of all surface and groundwater in New Mexico…”
  • “The Middle Rio Grande Water Advocates‘ purpose is to advocate for a sustainable, resilient water future for the Middle Rio Grande by demanding equitable and effective water management and planning consistent with the best available science and applicable laws.” (Formerly the Middle Rio Grande Water Assembly)
  • The New Mexico Environment Department stated “mission is to provide the highest quality of life throughout the state by promoting a safe, clean and productive environment.”